Three month trial for FREE
Monthly fee depends on number of connections and functions
0 €
Less than 100 by displaying welcomepage per month
Small businesses, home usage
- 1 Netspot
- 1 welcomepage without slideshow
9 € monthly
100 to 999 by displaying welcomepage per month
Mostly restaurants and coffee shops
- 1 Netspot
- Limitless welcomepage icnluding slideshow
- Questionnaire, Poll
19 € monthly
1 000 to 4 999 by displaying welcomepage per month
Businesses, where people often connect
- Up to 2 Netspots
- Limitless welcomepages including slideshow
- Questionnaire, Poll
- Collecting emails / phone numbers
49 € monthly
5 000 to 9 999 by displaying welcomepage per month
Chain of businesses, transport terminals
- Up to 5 Netspots
- Limitless welcomepage including slideshow
- Questionnaire, Poll
- Collecting emails / phone numbers
- Connection through Facebook
More than 9 999 by displaying welcomepage per month
Airports or shopping centres
- Conditions and set up fitted exactly for the client
Number of displays welcomepages per months